

Boys Girls
Grade 5 - 12


Session III | 7/29 – 8/9

Session III Sold Out


Max Auguste

Coach Max has been coaching volleyball for 25 years including at Queens College, St. John’s University, All-East Intercollegiate Volleyball, and St. Lucia’s National Volleyball Team. He is also the founder and director of CFL Precision Volleyball Training, an elite volleyball program rooted in character building, professional instruction, and individual and team training. Coach Max brings these elements to his program at LuHi which he will be running for the fourth time this summer.

LuHi’s Volleyball Program coached by Max Auguste is an instruction-based program that focuses on the development of each camper’s skills and gameplay strategy. Under the direction of Coach Max and his team of current and former collegiate players and coaches, the program offers campers a challenging and competitive, yet fun experience. Campers of all skill levels work to improve both fundamental and advanced skills and knowledge of the game of volleyball to prepare them for future play at the varsity, club, and college levels.

Click Here for Sample Schedule

What to Expect

  • Campers grouped by age and ability
  • Tailored individual and group training
  • Strategy development
  • Team competitions and tournaments
  • Optional swim period

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