LuHi Country Day

Play. Discover. Create.

Action, Adventure, & Discovery await the campers of LuHi Country Day Camp – the ultimate day camp experience! A culmination of LuHi’s culture, Country Day offers a safe & structured environment where campers are encouraged to engage in new experiences, form friendships, and most importantly, have fun!

LuHi Country Day is designed as an active & enriching experience, rooted in fun, innovative activities, strong values, & special rituals and traditions. Our campers have the opportunity to explore new passions through unique offerings they won’t encounter outside of the camp world. Each day is a balance of intentional & well-paced activities in Athletics, Arts, Recreation, & STEM.

LuHi Country Day Campers are broken into divisions based on their grade level. Tikes & Tots, Explorers, Pathfinders, Legends, and CITs (Counselors in Training), all find their home amongst their peers, challenged by developmentally-specific activities and gaining new opportunities as they grow & advance.


See our Calendar

LuHi Summer Camp 2025


Summer 2025

Early Bird
Regular pricing (Including Week 1)
Regular Pricing (Including Week 1)
Regular Pricing (Excluding Week 1)
Any 1 Week $770 $795 $875 $125 $65
Any 2 Weeks $1545 $1595 $1675 $250 $130
Any 3 Weeks $2320 $2395 $2475 $375 $195
Any 4 Weeks $3095 $3195 $3275 $500 $260
Any 5 Weeks $3870 $3995 $4075 $625 $325
Any 6 Weeks $4545 $4695 $4775 $750 $390
Any 7 Weeks $5120 $5295 $5375 $875 $455
Any 8 Weeks $5695 $5895 $5895 $1000 $520

Note: LuHi will be closed July 4th & 5th. We have prorated the pricing of that week (Week #1) to reflect that closure. If your camper is attending camp during Week #1, your price has been reduced. The pricing listed above is reflective of that reduction.

Athletic Instruction

in Baseball (Wiffle), Basketball, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Lacross, Flag Football, Tennis, Pickelball, Volleyball.

Collaborative, Hands-on STEM Challenges

such as The Cardboard Regatta, Defend the Castle, Slime Central, and more.

Performing Arts and Tractile Arts & Crafts Activities

including two weeks of Performing Arts Periods leading up to our talent show, LuHi's Got Talent!

Camp-Wide Competitions

such as Camp Clash, LuHi Olympics, Color Wars, and more.

Traditional Day-Camp Activities

such as game shows, performances, tie-dye, and more.

Campers Attending Any Week of LuHi Country Day Will Experience

Athletic Instruction

Exposure to STEM Principles & Projects

Instructional & Recreational Swim

Arts & Crafts

Signature Country Day Experiences

Camper-Directed Performances

Special On-Campus Events

Unifying Themes of Courage, Respect, Responsibility, & Care

Camp-Wide Competitions & Challenges

Tikes & Tots: Pre-K

Campers step into LuHi Country Day as Tikes & Tots! Beginning their journey with a focus on meeting new friends and experiencing new worlds, Tikes & Tots enjoy challenging & rewarding activities that allow their imaginations to take shape. Discovery, movement, and hands-on activities are essential elements of success at this age, and a Tikes & Tots’ day is designed to reflect a balanced and well-rounded experience of that nature.

Explorers: K – 2nd Grade

Fully living out LuHi’s motto of Play, Discover, Create, Country Day Explorers experience a robust daily schedule, equally exposing them to the LuHi elements – Athletics, Arts, Recreation, & STEM. The diversity in their day allows campers the opportunity to explore their interests while also encouraging them to try new things. Understanding that trying something new can be intimidating, the Explorer’s curriculum highlights exemplifying courage in the face of challenges.

Pathfinders: 3rd – 5th Grade

Country Day campers see their horizons expanded as they continue their journey as Pathfinders! Campers at this age experience an increased independence that allows them to pursue their interests in depth. With new and exciting opportunities, campers feel comfortable yet motivated to rise to the challenges in front of them. Whether they choose to stick with their tried and true Country Day favorites, or travel down an unexplored pathway, each camper is afforded the space to try new things, master their skills, and explore passions.

Legends: 6th – 8th Grade

LuHi Legends experience a culmination of the Country Day culture! Campers gain more control over their daily schedule, allowing them independence & flexibility to diversify their interests. With the opportunity to further explore Country Day electives, and the possibility of exposure to some of LuHi’s most popular Specialty Programs, a Legend’s day is what they make of it! Country Day Legends experience challenge & growth through passion projects, leadership opportunities, and participating in signature LuHi contests.

Please Note: Instructional Swim is not guaranteed for the Legends Divison of LuHi Country Day

CITs: 9th & 10th Grade

In training camper’s to be leaders throughout the LuHi campus, our CIT Program emphasize the values of Country Day – Courage, Respect, Responsibility and Care. As part of an intentionally designed program, CITs attend daily instructional class as well as receive certification in CPR. The day to day includes being assigned to various programs for real-world training. Acceptance to the program is based on previous performance as a CIT, as well as recommendations submitted from a Junior or Senior High School teacher and/or school administrator, and a personal recommendation from a non-relative. An interview on the LuHi campus may also be required.