With the new year upon us, it’s a perfect time to reset! As parents, this is a great time to bond with your children and begin a new chapter as the new year starts. Here are some fun New Years activities that you and your child can enjoy.
New Years Ball Drop
A New Year’s Eve ball drop is a fun and festive way to ring in the new year. The ball drop is held at Times Square in New York City, where over a million people gather to watch the countdown on television. When it hits zero, there are fireworks and confetti falling from above as well as DJs who play music all night long!
If possible, try and make it out to the city to experience the ball drop. It’s a perfect experience for both you and your child! If not, make sure to set up a cozy party in the living room for your family — and even invite close friends and relatives!
New Years Eve Party
Going off the previous point, having a new years party is an awesome way to kick off the new year! Gather your friends and family, have the Ball Drop streaming on TV, and be sure to stock up on food/drinks and activities!
You can even add a fun twist on a New Years Eve party by making it a theme party! Depending on what kind of theme you choose, there will be different decorations available at stores like Target or Walmart that fit into that theme.
Furthermore, stock up on food that’ll last throughout the night. You can even use Save the Food’s Guestimator to make sure you don’t overstock or understock on food and drinks!
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
For the kids, a new year’s party can best be rounded out by an indoor scavenger hunt! This’ll help keep children occupied, and you can offer an awesome prize for whoever gathers the most materials.
In setting up the scavenger hunt, choose a theme. For example, you could have your child look for items that start with the letter “A” or that have a picture of something green on them. Make sure you choose items that are easy to find and accessible to your child’s age group (e.g., not too small or too big). Lastly, have fun!
New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions are an excellent way for parents to bond with their children! Through resolutions, children can help set goals alongside their parents and have someone older to sympathize with in achieving their goals. On top of that, children can develop crucial life skills by setting goals, sticking to them, and having someone responsible look over them until they are fully independent.
It doesn’t matter if your New Year’s resolutions are silly or serious; just write down a few things that you’d like to accomplish in 2023. Remember, they don’t have to be big and ambitious — even small goals can make a big difference! And if you think of something later on in the year, no problem! Just add it onto your list whenever it works best for you.
If possible, you should also write out your resolutions on paper and print/copy them so there is a tangible form of your goals. Being able to hold this in your hands can symbolically make your goals more concrete and inspire your child further to tackle those goals!
Wishing you and your family a blessed New Year from LuHi Summer Programs!